Advice: What coach?
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Author:  Nuno [ 30 Apr 2007, 18:34 ]
Post subject:  Advice: What coach?

Age 17
Status: 1 week left

Kee 11
Tck 76
Mar 74
Pos 77
Pas 73
Off 26
Sho 20
Inf 35
Air 45
Tec 55
Spe 104
Sta 110

1 week back, what coach should be used in the last update? he gets 25pt per week.

Please write your opinions too. Poll will run for 5 days!
Thanks :)

Author:  internationale [ 30 Apr 2007, 18:38 ]
Post subject: 

i would use gk coach

pos , infl , air , speed is good for him

kee is only ad 11 so he would have no problem with that :wink:

so i think this is best for him

Author:  TonyCalabria [ 30 Apr 2007, 18:57 ]
Post subject: 

Tec coach since it is the skill that he needs more to improve.

Author:  peter [ 30 Apr 2007, 19:07 ]
Post subject: 

same coach like you use now , new coach can give a lost of updatepoints :)

Author:  Nuno [ 01 May 2007, 14:50 ]
Post subject: 

dumb noobie manager wrote:
DF - he looks like a WB with some good other skills, so concentrate on his primaries


you've been in the game for a bit now... you're not a noobie anymore so i think its time for you to remove the "noobie" from your name ;)
dumb manager would be fun :lol:

I wanted to say this on the auctions topic but that would be spamming an important topic :)

About this thread, im deciding mostly between DF, MF and TE

DF - tackling/marking + a bit of positioning and air
MF - positioning/passing + a bit of technique
TE - technique/passing + a bit of shooting

TE coach is good to fix is technique that is a bit low but still he wont get more than 5 points in it, normally... using MF he can get 3 maybe and gain more in the main skills so i prefer MF over TE here.
between DF and MF... i like my wingbacks to be capable defenders and midfielders so they can play independently if needed too. For this i think he needs more Air. It doesnt go up as fast as technique in the season updates i think. Main skills are perfectly balanced. 150 for DF and 150 for MF :)

might go with DF... what an headache!

80/78/79/75 or 77/75/81/77 I think the first set looks better, at least it looks more secure

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