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 Post subject: The future of FG
PostPosted: 28 Mar 2008, 11:51 
Site Admin
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I have for some time now been lacking the time to run FG as it should be, it hurts me to see the game failing due to lack of maintenance after spending all those hours developing it.
I have had some offers to buy the game and some to support it money wise, but it's not the biggest problem for me, I need the time to run the game.
During the last year I have had a feeling of neglecting FG and I have been hoping for better times. I now realise that I can not run FG as I have been lately and I need to ease my mind from all the FG stuff so I have come to the conclusion that I can't run FG anymore and therefore I have decided to remove myself from the game.

As I love FG and want the best for it I have considered what should be done, the easiest solution was to stop the game and simply delete everything, but I saw one solution that could satisfy my need to keep the game running and hence I have asked Nuno if he wants to run the game, and he accepted.

Our deal is that Nuno takes over FG and everything relating FG for free, he controls everything and is the owner of the game, the only thing I have demanded is the option to get the name back together the logo and domain if I at a later point want, but it's not a issue at the moment.
I have promised to help Nuno in every way I can, this means I will help fix bugs, code new stuff and if he needs it give my advice on game issues, but only when I got time for it. I have also offered to pay for part of the webserver needed and in every other way help to get FG back up and keep it running.

I have been blessed with some very good times with FG and even more important I have learned a lot of great people to know. In the last weeks I have also seen a great support for FG which I’m very happy to have seen so thank you to everybody in the FG community you have all been a huge part of my life in many years.

I will urge you to accept Nuno as the new gamemaster and try to be patient with him, it's not an easy task, and please direct all questions about FG to Nuno in the future.

Morten Sandholdt

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: 28 Mar 2008, 13:12 
The Special One
The Special One

Joined: 29 Dec 2003, 15:27
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Ok, here it is...

I've been pretty inactive in the last couple of months... was busy and then for a whole month i wasnt home and Christmas holidays... work added up... So thats why i havent been around much and have to admit to not paying enough attention on the forums lately.

Morten made me that offer and after thinking carefully, i accepted.
I may not have the best coding knowledge (i have some) but i have a lot of free time and, most importantly, motivation to get FG back on track and improve it. Morten will guide me on the first steps and continute to be in contact to help with anything i need.

First and foremost, we need a new server. The current one is expiring soon so thats my first priority. I'll stay up night and day till we find something good :)
After the server is found and the contract is made, we'll transfer all the code to it and restart the game.

In the meantime, i'll start planning the admin team. Its not going to be changed much but will need someone to replace me as gamemaster.

Once all that is sorted out i'll start looking carefully at the code and cheat my way to the top (oops, im already at the top!).
No, i'll take a good look at the code and see what can be done to improve the game. We want to improve it but cant promise anything specific until i see whats there already :)

PS: I'm going to quit my manager position at SK Lyn and most likely get a new team in div4 just to keep contact with the game itself and cuz its fun to play!

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